Sina Berk Golech

Hi there 👋 I’m Sina Berk

🔭 I’m currently working on Bioinformatics specialized in Metagenomics and Metabolomics.

🌱 I’m currently learning Algorithms for Bioinformatics.

👯 I’m looking to collaborate on research about Metabolomics Algorithms.

Still under development

Please contact me for more details.


Education ======

  • M.Sc. in Bioinformatics, Saarland University, 2025 (expected)
  • B.S. in Genetics and Bioengineering, Istanbul Bilgi University, 2023
  • B.S. in Computer Engineering, Istanbul Bilgi University, 2023

Work experience

  • Spring 2023: Undergraduate Research Assistant
    • Istanbul Bilgi University, Genetics and Bioengineering Department
    • Duties includes:
      • Focused on data analysis of adults with Philadelphia chromosome–like acute lymphoblastic leukaemia,data mining procedures applied to various datasets to analyze transcriptomic profiles, metabolic activities, and classification of patients with a diverse subgroup of diseases.
      • The analyses were conducted in slico with R and Python programming languages with affy, progeny, speed2, and pheatmap.
    • Supervisor: Faculty Member, PhD Özlem Ulucan Açan
  • Spring 2022: Undergraduate Research Assistant
    • Istanbul Bilgi University, Computer Engineering Department
    • Duties included:
      • The Primary project focused on developing a Turkish image caption dataset with well-known image captioning models and proposing to the research community a benchmark image-caption dataset.
      • Used computational methods to develop automatic image captioning generators and models for English and Turkish languages.
      • These projects led to the submission of 1 conference publication and presentation; the Computer Engineering thesis was conducted through this project and published a paper in IEEExplore.
      • Distributing tasks for the internship members consisting of thirty people, creating jobs, and providing the organization and administration of the database containing the images and the corresponding descriptions using MongoDB.
    • Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Elena Battini Sönmez


  • Programming Languages: Python(Numpy, Pandas, Seaborn, Plotly, sklearn, PyTorch), R(Bioconductor, affy, progeny, speed2, pheatmap), Bash C, C++, Java, Perl, MATLAB, SQL, UML
  • Soft Skills: Writing, Project Management, Public Speaking, Leadership, Scrum, Agile
  • Languages: English: Professional proficiency, Turkish: Native, German: Beginner
  • Tools: Linux, Git, GitHub, \LaTeX, Visual Studio, PyCharm, MS Word, Excel, PP, Canva, Trello


